Some informations about the cargo securing straps

What is the STF-Standard Tension Force?

The abbreviation STF “Standard Tension Force” stands for the pre-tensioning force also called “Normal Tensioning Force”, which describes the force of the lashing strap. Put simply, with an STF value of 350 daN: you pull or push on a ratchet lever with exactly 50 daN (SHF) and can lift/move a weight of 350 kg with this force. The main reason for high pre-tensioning forces are the high-quality products, in this case, the ratchet and the lashing strap, which have been optimized for your application. The STF value to be achieved is defined by the European standardization: STF = min. 0.1 x LC and max. 0.5 x LC

All products in our assortment of cargo safety are tested according to DIN EN 12195-2. STF – Standard Tension Force according to DIN EN 12195-2, always applies to a lashing belt system (ratchet, webbing and end fittings). The
webbing, its length, composition, elongation, sewing and material thickness have a very large influence on the STF value of a lashing belt system. The STF value for pull- and pressure ratchets is given by us only for guidelinde

LC (Lashing Capacity)STF min.STF max.
400 kN40 daN200 daN
750 kN75 daN375 daN
1000 kN100 daN500 daN
1500 kN150 daN750 daN
2000 kN200 daN1000 daN
2500 kN250 daN1250 daN
3500 kN350 daN1750 daN
5000 kN500 daN2500 daN

What is the SHF-Standard Hand Force?

The abbreviation SHF “Standard Hand Force” describes the force (50 daN) that must be applied to the ratchet lever according to the European standardization (DIN EN 12195-2) in order to determine the STF value for the system (ratchet, lashing strap and end fittings). This force is also called hand force – a force of the user.

What is the LC-Lashing Capacity?

The value LC “Lashing Capacity” stands for the permissible lashing force. It indicates when the load limit for the lashing system in straight pull (direct pull) is reached. This value is determined by the breaking strength.

LC – direct pull
Example: Pressure Ratchet 50mm – 50kN
LC = 2.500 daN

two-piece lashing strap

– Ratchet
– Fixed end with end fitting

– Loose end with end fitting

LC – strapping
Example: Pressure Ratchet 50mm – 50kN
LC = 5.000 daN

one-piece lashing strap

– Ratchet
– Lashing strap

two-piece lashing strap

– Ratchet
– Fixed end with end fitting
– Loose end with end fitting

If you have more questions, please contact us.

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How to Release a Jammed Ratchet Strap

Some information about the ratchet buckles